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Yes, Target sells vibrators!

Target embraces sexual health and well-being with in-store sales of vibrators

profile picture of Allison
· 2 min read
Multiple colorful vibrators

The other day I was strolling down the aisles of Target, my happy place, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted something unexpected. Nestled right there, amidst a collection of family planning options were vibrators! Yes, you heard that right: vibrators, right there on the shelf alongside condoms and other sexual health supplies. Cue the shock, surprise, and a whole lot of happy vibes. :)

Now, my initial reaction was a mixture of confusion and glee. I mean, who would've thought that a mainstream store like Target would take such a bold step into the land of sexual self-care? But here they were, waving their silicone wands in all their glory. It was like stumbling upon a long-lost treasure chest, except the treasure was specifically designed to bring pleasure.

This discovery felt like a little victory, a sort of affirmation that society is embracing the idea of sexual well-being. Gone are the days when you had to sneak into seedy, dimly lit stores or shop solely online to explore your desires. No, no, no! Target has got your back now, proudly displaying a rainbow of pleasure possibilities for anyone and everyone who cares to peruse.

There’s something liberating about seeing vibrators lined up nearby other essential items like toothpaste, deodorant, and vitamins. Their display, all vibrant and unapologetic, affirmed that we're moving towards a more open, accepting society. We understand that sexual well-being is an integral part of our overall health, happiness, and body positivity. And honestly, it's about time! Our sexual health and happiness shouldn't be confined to whispers and hushed conversations. Plus, let's not forget the convenience factor. Need some batteries for your remote control? Grab a pack along with your favorite pleasure device, and voila! Your night is sorted, multitasking at its finest, my friend.

So, dear Target, thank you for being the beacon of progress in the world of retail therapy. You've brightened my day, expanded my options, and reminded me that sexual pleasure should never be ashamed or hidden away. Here's to more giggles, orgasms, and the wonderful journey of exploring our own bodies. Cheers!