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Finding the Right Time for Sex in the Midst of Parenthood

profile picture of Jan
· 4 min read
Cat sitting between two people standing in a bathroom

Let's talk about a topic that many couples can relate to – finding the right time for intimacy when the chaos of life, work, and kids fills your days. We get it, the struggle is real. But fear not, because in this post, we're going to explore creative and practical ways to carve out moments of connection, even in the midst of the bustling family life.

Lunchtime Love

Working from home has its perks, and one of them is the potential for a midday rendezvous. If both partners have flexible schedules, consider making lunchtime a time for love. When the kids are at school or napping, seize the opportunity to connect on a physical level. It's a delightful break that can rejuvenate both your energy and your relationship.

Early Risers and Night Owls

Understanding each other's chronotype (whether you're an early riser or a night owl) can be a game-changer. If mornings are your peak energy times, wake up a bit earlier for some intimate moments before the day takes over. On the flip side, if evenings are more your speed, wait until the kids are tucked in and you have a moment of quiet to yourselves.


When you have little ones consuming your every waking (and sleeping) moment, we know it's hard to even make time for yourself, let alone your partner. Why not knock out two birds with one stone! Spend that time wisely and make getting clean a little dirty.

Schedule Date Nights

Yes, it might sound a bit unspontaneous, but scheduling regular date nights is a tried-and-true method. It doesn't always have to involve going out; it could be an intimate dinner at home or a movie night after the kids are in bed. Planning these moments in advance helps create anticipation and ensures that you both prioritize intimacy.

Weekend Getaways

Consider planning occasional weekend getaways or staycations. Whether it's a cozy cabin retreat or a night at a local hotel, breaking away from the routine can create a relaxed atmosphere for intimacy. Plus, it's a chance to focus solely on each other without the usual distractions.

Create a Kid-Free Zone

Designate certain areas or times in the house as "kid-free zones." When the kids are engaged in their activities, take advantage of this time to connect intimately. This might involve having a conversation in the backyard, a quick hug in the kitchen, or even locking the bedroom door for a few stolen moments.

Embrace the Quickie

Let's debunk a myth – intimacy doesn't always have to be a grand, elaborate event. Quickies are a fantastic way to connect when time is limited. It's about quality, not quantity. Embrace the spontaneity, and enjoy the closeness even if it's just for a brief moment.

Communicate Openly

Lastly, communication is the glue that holds it all together. Discuss your desires, limitations, and creative ideas with your partner. KinkSync — our quick and fun online tool — can help with this (read about KinkSync here). Also, be open about your needs and find compromises that work for both of you. Remember, it's a team effort.

Finding the right time for intimacy amidst the chaos of daily life requires creativity, communication, and a willingness to prioritize your connection. By exploring different times and scenarios, you can discover what works best for your unique situation. So, go ahead, create those pockets of love in your schedule, and keep the flame burning bright. Your relationship deserves it!