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4 Ways My Boyfriend Gets Me In The Mood

profile picture of Allison
· 3 min read
woman holding lollipop and pulling on her underwear

There are certain things that my boyfriend does that just totally get me in the mood for some fun between the sheets. It’s not that our sex life is boring but it isn’t ever really spontaneous. Being a Type A kind of gal, it’s hard for me to get in the mood when I’m distracted or thinking of my never-ending to do list. Luckily, my boyfriend knows me well and knows just how to get me worked up and ready to play. Here are just a few things my guy does that turn me on and get me ready to go.

He gives me compliments

I think one of the hardest things about being a woman is that we are always so hard on ourselves. I can look in the mirror and think I look fat or ugly, but my boyfriend can look at me and think I’m the sexiest woman alive. Sometimes I am not able to take a compliment very well, especially when I have spent the better part of the day beating myself up. My boyfriend knows that I can brush off what he says, but that doesn’t stop him from always letting me know, I’m the only one for him and he thinks I am sexy.

He starts early in the day

Like most women, I usually need more than "wanna have sex?" and 30 seconds of foreplay. And I'm not just talking about long make out sessions to get worked up. I love it when my boyfriend seduces me early in the day, knowing it'll rev me up before the day ends. He will text me from another room. He will kiss my neck. He will tell me how sexy I look that day. My man will start dropping little hints about what he would like to do to me, and usually hours before we have time to actually do anything. This kind of foreplay, this build-up, is so hot, and always gets me.

He gets excited about me

If we are planning on staying in or going out for a nice dinner, my boyfriend always enjoys watching me get ready. There have been plenty of times we are ready to go and he can barely contain himself, and a few quickies have happened because he can’t help himself. But when we are going out somewhere nice, he loves to see me dressed to the nines. He will sit on the bed and watch me do my hair and makeup and tell me just how lucky he is to have me on his arm.

He cooks

I’m not saying that I think the way to my heart is through my stomach, buuuut, it kind of is. I know that my boyfriend wants to impress me when he is making an effort to turn me on. He’s an amazing cook and he knows my favorites. If he starts preparing an early dinner, I know that he is trying to get in some early foreplay. These subtle hints are so hot. There have been nights when dinner was turned into passionate sex at the kitchen table and we once got busy when he was making me some really delicious mac and cheese.

So guys, it really is simple. Be genuinely interested in me, make sure I know it, build it up, and feed me 🤣